Enterprise Learner Management System
Tailored for the Enterprise, providing induction and employee personal development plans with learning programmes, assessment and eLearning.

College Learner Management System
Created for colleges, to manage all student registrations and enrollments along with tracking of attendance, marks, finances and much more

Small Training Institution LMS
A classroom scheduling and booking system along with a CRM system to track leads.

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eLearning Management Software

The eLearning Management Software is called EduTrain comprising an online learning platform that provides online content to students / learners and allow for interactive learning. The eLearning training software will provide material to learner, and tracks their process while going through the online material. Training Material is loaded as courses or modules and can be reused from different courses for different programmes to make the eLearning convenient and easy to use. Our online eLearning Management Software is designed to be mobile-friendly allowing easy access to material for student / learners.
Make your online training interactive by adding videos, images, animations and assessment questions from the Assessment software/ EduAssess. Although eLearning Management system is used online, it can redirect to PowerPoints, pdfs and other links for sites. You can use the eLearning Management System module to add PowerPoints presentations to enhance learning and to be used at a later stage as needed.

eLearning is for any person who needs to do a course, whether it be staff needing to do online training, students doing online courses, or employees accessing continuous training to improve workplace development. Any person needing access to online training can use eLearning Management Software.


  • Online training content
    • Video
    • Audio
    • Images
    • Slide show type training content
    • Hotspot area (with multiple branching)
    • Interactive hotspot image questions
    • Arrow placement on images
  • Easy slide navigation using arrows and slide numbers
  • Multiple choice tests slotted in form EduAssess
  • Create class lists
  • Shows student specific learning plan
  • Allows for lecture notes
  • Export to PDF
  • SMS & email notifications
  • Due date for completion of courses
  • Produce progress reports by course category, course, division, department or employee
  • Ability to create eBooks from the material on the system


  • Learner
    • Learners can search and request an online course
    • Each learner has an individual learning plan where their unique courses are displayed once they have been assigned to them
    • The learner is presented with online e-Learning material. The material is shown as steps and the students can navigate between steps and chapters. Their progress with the online content is tracked, and it shows as completed once all the material has been worked through. Learners can navigate back through the material to provide ongoing training as well
    • Learning can be linked into the assessment software, allowing for assessments to be added into the e-learning material
    • Notifications to the students regarding courses happen via SMS, email, or online, depending on how the courses were set up 
    • Students have a unique online username and password to access their course

  • Administration
    • Admin users have admin access allowing for the user to create new courses, copy courses and create programs/qualifications
    • Administrators approve or reject course requests
    • Courses are configured to notify you by SMS, email or intranet
    • Admin users can reset passwords for students, and have administrator usernames and passwords
    • Administrators can also be students and do courses

System Integrations

The EduTrain online training software (eLearning Management System) can be integrated with Intoweb’s EduFin (software for registration/payment handling), EduClass software (course bookings), EduLearn (Student Reporting and Learner Management System), EduCenter (student view), EduAssess software (online quiz and assessments software) Skills Management and Induction systems.


The system uses the Intoweb framework, which includes anti-spamming, anti-illegal file uploading and anti-SQL injection, and various other security techniques.

The authorised company supplier officers need to log onto the system using a secure username and password in order to process information.

Our Clients

Kyalami, Midrand Sales (HR / Intranet) 065 975 2052 / Sales (LMS / financial) 081 4366 799

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